Villa Scacciapensieri

Second International Piano Competition

Pianigiani® Villa Scacciapensieri Boutique Hotel

II Edition

13-14-15-16-17-18 novembre 2023 Siena, Italia

Artistic directors: Gianluca Luisi, Angela Castellarin


Ranking of winners:

First prize
Evgeny Konnov

Second prize ex-aequo
Kevin Gordon Hou  - Jiapeng Wang

Third  Prize ex-aequo
Hongbo Cai - Nocole Costoli - Yunyoung Kim

Special mention
Ludovica Franco
Marco Ottaviani
Gabriele Simonetti
Mate Szirtes
Aaron Pilsan
Yinglun Wong
Kiyoka Okada
Francesco Mazzonetto
Monica Pia Galullo




15 novembre 2023 - morning hearings

Hour 9.30 -
Sofia Compagnin

Hour 10.15 - Ludovica Franco

Hour 11.00 - Francesco Mazzonetto


15 novembre 2023 - afternoon hearings

Hour 16.00 - Isida Beci

Hour 16.45 - Matè Szirtes

Hour 17.30 - Luciano Ioannucci

16 Novembre 2023 - morning hearings

Hour 9.30 - Nancy Li  

Hour 10.15 - Yinglun Wong

Hour 11.00 - Marco Ottaviani

Hour 11.45 - Yunyoung Kim  

Hour 12.30 - Tang Zirui


16 Novembre 2023 - afternoon hearings

Hour 15.30 - Gabriele Simonetti 

Hour 16.15 - Diletta Bellucci

Hour 17.00 - Ryohei Tanaka

Hour 17.45 - Tianrui Chen

Hour 18.30 - Kiyoka Okada

17 Novembre 2023 - morning hearings

Hour 10.00 - Shin Mina

Hour 11. 00 - Hikari Saara

Hour 11.45 - Jovanna Kosanovic

Hour 12.30 - Pietro Viola


17 Novembre 2023 - afternoon hearings

Hours 15.30 - Kevin Gordon Hou

Hours 16.15 - Julia Noiret

Hours 17.00 - Daniele Lasta

Hours 17.45 - Vadim Valyev

Hours 18.20 - Aaron Pilsen

Hours 18.55 - Zhen Wang

Hours 19.25 - Jiapeng Wang

Hours 20.00 - Gregory Hartmann

18 Novembre 2023 - morning hearings


Hour 9.15 - Lara Oprensik    

Hour 10.00 - Milena Rossi

Hour 10.45 - Andrej Shaklev

Hour 11.30 - Evgeny Konnov

Hour 12.15 - Hongbo Cai

Hour 12.45 - Alessandro Villalva

Hour 13.20 - Monica Pia Galullo

Hour 16 winners announcement

Hour 18 final concert in the Villa



The international competition and festival seeks to provide an opportunity for Italian and foreign pianists to meet, and to encourage young talents with cash prizes, concerts, and educational activities to promote and facilitate the study of piano and music.
The main goal is to foster individual growth and offer an opportunity to exchange artistic ideas and repertoire in a relaxed and nurturing atmosphere in Siena dedicated to music.



International Piano Competition November 13 to 18th 2023.
All Italian and foreign pianists will participate in international competition, born between 1987 to 2007, 16-36 years.
Those who are younger than 16 and believe they qualify may make a special request to the artistic directors.


 The official registration must take place simply by sending a bank transfer to "POLO MUSIC" IBAN IT56F0854937490000000022687. Swift -ICRAITRRF90
International Piano Competition, Taxe €180 which include 1 free night and breakfast at the Villa
+ 1 free meal.

In the bank transfer only write the name and surname of the candidate. The program must be sent along with the docu- ment bank copy of the inscription payment, to the following address:

All participation fees are not refundable in case of cancellation or absence of the candidate. Registration must be sent no later than the deadline of October 30th , 2023.

Any applications sent after the deadline will be considered at the discretion of the Artistic Directors and the Committee of the Competition Promoters.

The schedule will be published on the competition website by October 31th, 2023.

The candidates will receive an e.mail confirmation with the own audition date. It is the responsibility of the competitors to be informed about the exact time of their auditions by visiting the website or by e.mail or phone to the Villa.



International Piano Competition:
Will take place in a single audition with a free program, not less than 25 not more than 30 minutes.
Candidates have no obligation to perform by heart compositions presented.



The auditions will be public.

In case of dispute or claim, only the Italian version of the Competition Regulations will be considered valid. Any dispute will be settled by the Court of Italy. No payment of public concerts or recording will be requested by the candidates.
If the winner will not play at the final concert will loose the prize.



The competition will make available piano Steinway top level.



The voting system will be decided by the Artistic Directors of the competition. The jury will be composed by professors, Italian and international concert artists, and promoters (event organizers, music critics, magazine editors, labels and record labels, artist managers). If any member of the jury is indisposed for health reasons or force majeure it will be the responsibility of the artistic directors to find Jury's sobstitute.

Jury 2023: President Piero Di Egidio, Angela Castellarin, Marcello Mazzoni, Gianluca Luisi, Xin Wang.

At the competition will assist Florian Koltun management and final concerts will be presented by Valentina Lo Surdo Rai Radio 3.



The Jury’s evaluation is definitive, irrevocable and final.
They will be formulated by assessments points:
• 95 to 100 points: first prize
• 90 to 94 points: second prize
• 85 to 89 third prize. The Jury cannot assign the prizes if candidates are not at the level for an international competition or they
can assign ex aequo.



The winners must attend the awards ceremony on November 18th, 5 pm at Villa Scacciapensieri Hall.
First Prize: International Competition € 4.000 and 1 concert at the Villa on the Season 2024.
Promotion and announcement to Italian and foreign music organizations and diploma.
Second Prize: A concert (one concert) at the Villa during the Season 2024 with a fee of € 500 and diploma.
Third Prize: A concert (one concert) at the Villa during the Season 2024 with a fee of € 250 and Diploma.
Special awards:
Other prizes may eventually be offered by the artistic directors.
Formal attire will be expected. Men will be required to appear in a suit and woman can choose to wear a pant suit, cocktail dress or evening gown.


The payment of prizes will be made by bank transfer made payable to the parents for minors.



Press and Public Relations of the competition:

Artistic directors:
Villa Scacciapensieri Str. di Scacciapensieri,
10 53100 - Siena (SI)
Telefono: +39 0577 41441

The organization reserves the right to make any changes to the regulations and to cancel all or part of the competition if circumstances beyond its control will prevent the carrying out of the competition, in which case the entry fee will be be fully refunded.